Mail-in Registration

Returning Member

Please download, print, and fill-out the appropriate registration form below. You may either mail or deliver your completed registration form and payment to the membership liaison listed at the bottom of the registration form. Please do not send your registration to our Valley Forge street address.

Your membership renewal is due May 12, 2018. Payment made after May 12th must include the $25 late fee. Failure to pay the late fee will result in forfeiture of guest passes.

New Member

You may join Village Green Pool at any time during the season. However, we do not prorate fees for those joining the pool after opening day. New members will not be assessed the $25 late fee if you join after May 12th. Resident members reside within the Village West and Lexington Green neighborhood. If you are unsure whether you are a resident or non-resident, please email your address to the Village Green Pool Board via the “contact us” link on this website and we will let you know.

Payments are not accepted at the pool, so please mail or deliver your completed registration form and payment to the membership liaison listed at the bottom of the registration form.

New members will receive a membership number at the pool office on your first visit to the pool. Your cancelled check is your confirmation that we have received and processed your application. Thank you for your interest in Village Green Pool – Fort Collins’ Community Swimming Pool. We look forward to seeing you this summer.

Download Registration Forms
2019 Resident Membership Form
2019 Non-Resident Membership

PLEASE NOTE: These forms are in .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format. If you are unable to download them please go to the Adobe website at: to download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to download the registration form please contact the Village Green Pool Board via the “contact us” link on this website for further assistance.